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A Look at EMC

Empowered Master’s Commission -Women’s Edition- is a new kind of discipleship program. Our Executive Director, Rev. Shelby Hardy, desires to create an experience that empowers young women to realize they are the King's daughters so they can go out and Impact the world. We do this by giving young women the opportunity to be fully surrendered to God for a season of nine-month to three years, much like the disciples. During this time, students devote their time and receive training and equipment to look like Jesus. The focus is to guide these ladies in taking their rightful place in this relationship with their Father. God is calling His daughters to know who they are and become EMPOWERED by the Spirit. The goal for the women who join Empowered Master’s Commission  -Women’s Edition- is that, like the women in the Bible, though they may have to overcome, they will rise and become Godly women. 


Empowered MC offers classes to obtain an associate’s and bachelor’s degree through West Coast Bible College & Seminary, along with extended time dedicated to prayer, scripture memorization, public speaking, leadership, servanthood, life skills, and a specialized curriculum for women. We also offer opportunities to travel in the U.S. and abroad. We want to raise a generation of women so in love with the Father and EMPOWERED by the truth about who they are that they can walk boldly into any arena and excel. This program is designed to help launch them into the next phase of their life with a firm Christian foundation.

Who Are We?

It's hard to explain EMC without experiencing it because it's unique. It's a school coupled with intense discipleship. A unique aspect of having an all women's team is that women will be able to experience how to be Godly sisters to other women. They will learn to work alongside other women and not be threatened by others’ gift sets. It’s not uncommon for a woman to distrust other women. In this culture, it’s accepted, and sometimes even encouraged, for women to form cliques and operate in unGodly-comparison. This only breeds insecurity, pride, and jealousy. At EMC, this will not be the case. We base this virtue on scripture, "They will know you are my disciples by your love for one another," (John 13: 35). Here is where a woman can come and sit at the feet of Jesus and receive healing. She can learn to trust other women and how to interact with Godly love towards everyone, especially women. She will strengthen her character and have the ability to encourage others and be excited about their success. 

Housing / Important Dates


EMC housing is covered in the tuition cost for the duration of the school year. Students live together at our Dundee Campus.  


Important Dates:​


Fall Start Date: August 6th, 2024

Graduation: May 17th, 2025


Student Body Info

Our student body comprises young women, ages 18-29, who desire to grow deeper in their walk with Christ. We have students come right out of high school, after college, and from the workplace, aiming to be disciplined and set a part. Empowered Master's Commission can be both a first step or a next step, but no matter what, we know each student will be challenged, changed, and transformed.

Mission: Empowering Young woman through discipleship to know their identity as Daughters of the King so that they can go out and Impact the world.
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